Wednesday, September 11, 2013

ups and downs

ok so clearly I am not the best at updating my blog!  i've been here for two weeks and only have a couple of entries...oops!

Had a few bad days - was super homesick, all of my new friends moved to Al Ain/Al Gharbia, and the city was overwhelming.  after crying a lot and hiding in bed for a day (ok maybe it was two days) - I finally sucked it up and moved on.  I was able to get my placement changed out of the city and was placed in a school/region that I think will be a better fit.  People here still can't believe I would give up the city for the western region - but I am really happy with my decision.  I can't wait to get out there and start teaching.  Also, one of my new friends is working there too so that's a plus!  I'm still not sure when I will be getting out there to teach - apparently there are no more hotel rooms out there so a bunch of us are in a holding pattern in Abu Dhabi.  We are pretty much getting paid to hang out and see the city.  

Some things I've learned so far:

  • People who think we are bad drivers in MA have clearly never driven in Abu Dhabi!!!!!!!
  • Women and Men in traditional dress look really nice!  
  • Inshallah!!!
  • Hotel food gets boring and expensive really quickly
  • It's very confusing thinking in dirhams - things seem expensive when really they aren't
  • American brands/products are everywhere!
  • The heat is not as bad as I get used to it pretty quickly
  • Inshallah!!!
  • Personal space really doesn't exist
  • Chaos is okay and normal
  • Slingbox is the best invention EVER
  • and most importantly...INSHALLAH!!!  :)  


  1. inshallah basically means "when allah wills it". so if you are waiting to get your internet hooked up they will schedule an appointment like 4:00 Tuesday, inshallah. so if they don't show up...don't be surprised!!!
